NS-78 Mystery Aventurine Rods

An exciting color that can be kiln struck to yield a wide array of silvery purples and pinks. Work in a hot oxidizing flame. Flame striking yields amber and gold hues.

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NS-078 Mystery Aventurine is a brilliant aventurine color that strikes to deep purples and reds. When thinned it turns a pale yellowish amber. Mystery Aventurine is well suited for blown work and stringer application. It is not overly sensitive to reduction and is best worked in a hot neutral flame. For the best strike, kiln striking is the way to go. When using this color heavily encased keep work time to a minimum and kiln anneal thoroughly. Mystery Aventurine looks great over NS-076 Onyx and NS-054 Star White. For additional information refer to the Northstar promotional flyer.


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